If I could offer you the chance to reduce your stress levels, clear your mind and get access to new levels of energy with micro changes in behaviour, would you be interested?
There aren't many of us that wouldn't say yes to those benefits, especially if they were free. Therefore I've made a commitment to 'take my own medicine' and make some minor changes in lifestyle to help me perform close to my best everyday. Best of all these changes are:
Simple - Therefore easy to follow
Easy to access - Therefore require little effort
Free - Therefore there have no barriers to entry apart from my will power
I have detailed the changes in habits below that have evolved over the last 3 months and split them into morning and evening habits.
Morning habits to hit the day running
Step 1 - Wake up at the same time everyday even if it's the weekend. This has stabilised my circadian rhythm (my internal body clock) and has established a steady pattern for waking up in the morning.
Step 2 - Get access to direct sunlight (or at least bright light) as soon as possible after I have woken up. This stimulates the release of Serotonin a mood enhancer, gives me Vitamin D to support my immune system and reinforces the stabilisation of my circadian rhythm. Luckily I'm not a vampire.
Step 3 - Take a cold shower or have a cold water dip as soon as I'm up and about. I've been cold water bathing at water temperatures of 6-10 degrees centigrade for 3 months and I have never slept better or felt more energised in the morning. The benefits of cold water immersion have been shown to improve mood, reduce muscle aches and reduce inflammation. Like all micro changes I started small, at 30 seconds to 1 minute a session then slowly increased the duration 5 minutes every morning as soon as possible after I awaken. There is little evidence that longer is better when it comes to cold water immersion.
N.B. This is the single most difficult yet rewarding part of the 5 steps in the morning.
Step 4 - I practice deep breathing exercises after I get out of the cold water/shower. The calm deep breathing brings me, prepares me for the day ahead and keeps me in control.
Step 5 - Get 20-30 mins walking in (preferably outdoors) at some point during the day to elevate my heart rate. If I need to race to the office, I always commit to use the stairs as much as possible at work or hop off public transport a stop early in London and walk the extra distance.
I'm lucky to have access to Windsor Great Park for open air walks
The Evening habits I follow to finish the day strong and get ready for bed
Step 6 - I stop consuming drinks that contain Caffeine after midday and now drink no more than two caffeinated drinks a day. It can take up to 12 hours for Caffeine to leave the body and this definitely won't help me sleep.
Step 7 - I aim to have had my evening meal by 7 pm and I try and make it light. The old adage breakfast like a King/Queen, Lunch like a Prince/Princess and Supper like a pauper turned out to be true. Top tip: Avoid Swan for breakfast if you are eating like royalty, its an acquired taste.
Step 8 - No more computer or phone screen time after 9 pm as the blue light emitted inhibits the release of Melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. If I can't do this I turn on grayscale on my mobile to reduce the blue light emitted.
Step 9 - Take a warm shower before getting into bed.
Step 10 - I regulate my breathing to help calm me down and clear your mind or I have a stretch before going to bed. I'm currently using the Pliability App to relax before bed which has helped me chill out and start to improve my appalling mobility.
How I made the changes
Each change I made was carried out with small, incremental changes, once I was comfortable with the previous new habit. I approached the changes in this order, but you must pick your own preferences. Pick the easier ones for you to build up a series of successes.
Established a regular time to get up and go to bed *
Cut out caffeine after midday *
Stopped using my phone after 9 pm *
Started my mobility program and shower before bed routine
Early morning dips in the cold water - Short dips up to 3 minutes
Breathing program
20 minutes outdoor exercise *
Extended cold water immersion
If you are looking for a quick start set of actions to get you up and running, I'd suggest the steps marked with an asterisk*
My next Micro Changes are to add a weights program (3 x per week) to my habits and I have bought a Whoop to track my Sleep, Strain and Recovery patterns. It will be interesting to see what the Whoop measures and track the story the data presents in the coming weeks and months. I'll give an update in another month at the beginning of April.
My Performance Coach offers personal High Performance Coaching plans as well as Executive Coaching and Team Coaching Services. If you'd like to discuss how we could work with you or your team to establish new High Performance habits via a bespoke guided plan, please drop us an email at info@myperformancecoach.uk and we'll get in touch for a free no obligation chat.